Purple and Purple Senior Belts


28 Moves, Meaning: Won-Hyo was the noted monk who introduced Buddhism to the Silla Dynasty in the year 686 AD. 

Chum Be - Ready Stance Two

Purple Belt Drills:

Progress Stripes and Rank Test Requirements

Blue Stripe - Awarded indicating the student can demonstrate and relate all moves of the assigned form by the student's count without mistake or assistance. The student must also know the name, meaning and number of moves.

Red Stripe - Awarded indicating the student can demonstrate all assigned One Step Sparring combinations including the correct attack for each One Step. Students will only be tested for progress stripes and rank using a right hand attack even though both may be practiced in class at times.

Black Stripe - Awarded once the student has received current green, blue and red progress stripes and has demonstrated proficiency of all previous Red Stripe drills. This stripe is not required for testing, but is a major contributing factor in retention of past skills.

Rank Test - Will require students to perform each of the skills for which the Blue Stripe and Red Stripe are awarded but may be asked bonus questions from the manual or to perform other progress skills throughout his/her rank. Students will also be required to have twenty-one (21) class credits prior to the end of the testing cycle and have received each progress stripe for their current rank.