

Feet together standing straight with hands flat to sides of legs.

Ready Stance One

Feet are shoulder width apart and pointed forward. Knees are naturally straight with hands in fist at knot of belt. This is the most common ready stance and is the standard ready position for all class drills. When the command Chum Be is given, this is the stance that should be taken unless preparing to start forms with a specifically designed ready stance.

Ready Stance Two

Feet are together heels and toes touching, knees slightly bent. Left open hand is curved around but not touching right fist approximately 3 inches in front of the chin, elbows angled down 45 degrees.

Ready Stance Three

Feet are together heels and toes touching, knees slightly bent. Both hands open, fingers closed, left palm over right palm covering the groin, elbows bent slightly.

Ready Stance Four

Feet are shoulder width apart and pointed forward. Knees are naturally straight with open hands above head and slightly forward. Finger tips together, palms out, fingers closed with thumbs out. Elbows slightly bent. Eyes looking through opening in hand position.

Ready Stance Five

Feet shoulder width apart and pointed forward. Knees are naturally straight with right open palm over left fist, palm down, at right hip.

Ready Stance Six

Feet are shoulder width apart and pointed forward. Knees are naturally straight with open hands left over right, resting palms on chest. Elbows are lifted, not resting on body. This stance is also known as the Command Stance.

Sitting Stance

Feet are twice the width of your shoulders and pointed forward with knees deeply bent. (Also known as Horse Stance.)

Front Stance

Feet are shoulder width apart with front foot pointed forward in the fourth foot position ahead of the back foot. Front knee is directly above the front foot. Back foot is pointed 45 degrees to side with back leg straight and hips squarely facing front and upper body straight with 60% weight on front leg.

Back Stance

Front foot, front knee, front hip and face point forward. Back foot, back knee and body point toward side as if feet form the letter "L". Both knees are deeply bent. Feet are two lengths apart heel to toe with 70% weight on back leg.

Fixed Stance

Front foot, front knee, front hip and face point forward. Back foot, back knee and body point toward side as if feet form the letter "L". Both knees are deeply bent. Feet are three lengths apart heel to toe (or fourth foot position). 60% weight on back leg. (Same as Back Stance, but longer.)

Cat Stance

Front foot, front knee, front hip and face point forward. Back foot, back knee and body point toward side as if feet form the letter "L". Both knees are deeply bent. Feet are 1 1/2 lengths apart heel to toe with 70% weight on back leg. Shorter than a back stance and the front foot heal and ankle are lifted directly above the ball of the foot. The front foot rests on the ball and bottom of toes.

X Stance

Front leg crossed over back leg, both knees bent, front foot flat on ground while back foot has heel raised and weight on ball of the foot. Weight is equal on both legs.

Corner Stance

Front foot together with the back foot, both knees slightly bent. Front foot, knee, hip faces the front. Back leg, hip, and stomach faces the side. (Similar to back stance.) Also called a closed stance.